Please read these Terms carefully because together with your Confirmation of Booking and the information on our website they make up your agreement with us. We aim to provide Terms which are easily understandable. If there is any term that you do not understand, then please discuss it with us before making a Booking.


When the following words are used in these Terms, this is what they will mean:

Accommodation: the accommodation that we are providing to you as set out in the Booking
Booking: your request to us for the Accommodation
Booking Confirmation: our acceptance of your Booking
Event Outside Our Control: any act or event beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action by third parties, civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic, pandemic or other natural disaster, or failure of public or private telecommunications networks.
The property/properties / Norfolk Retreats: The Cowshed, Burlington-by-the-Sea, Links Lookout
Terms: these terms and any other terms or documents they refer to
We/our/usThe Cowshed, Bulington by-the-Sea, Links Lookout
You/yourYou or the members of your party

When we use the words “writing” or “written” in these Terms, this will include email unless we say otherwise.

Changes to our Terms or your Booking

The law and how we have to operate Norfolk Retreats may change from time to time. If this happens then we may need to update our Terms. You will be able to find the latest version on our website or at front desk.

If we make any significant changes to our Terms after you have requested a Booking which have a materially adverse effect on your Booking, we will give you the option to cancel with a full refund.

Our contract with you

When you submit a Booking to us this does not mean that we have accepted it. We may or may not do so. If we are unable to supply you with the Accommodation, we will inform you of this.

Subject to the clause below, these Terms will become binding on you and us when we send you a Booking Confirmation, at which point a contract will come into existence between you and us. Please check your Booking Confirmation carefully as soon as you receive it and inform us of any discrepancies. If any are our fault we will do our best to remedy the situation.

If you have made a specific request during the online enquiry process which we are unable to accommodate (such as accessible rooms, additional beds, party size, dogs etc.) occasionally we may have to refuse your booking even after you have received an automated Booking Confirmation. If we are unable to accept your Booking for any reason, we will inform you of this as soon as possible and will not charge you. This might be because Accommodation is unavailable or we have identified an error in the price or description of the Accommodation.

These Terms apply whether you make a Booking via our website, by email, post, telephone or in person.

Price and payment

The price of the Accommodation will be set out at the time we confirm your Booking. Our prices may change at any time but price changes will not affect Bookings already confirmed with you.

All prices are calculated per week and based on up to four people sharing

Additional guests are not permitted without our prior approval

If you do not pay when you are required to do so then we may cancel your Booking and retain your deposit.

Once your Booking is confirmed you are responsible for payment of the full amount.

If we accept your Booking where a pricing error is obvious and unmistakeable and could reasonably have been recognised by you as a mis-pricing, we may end the contract and refund you any sums you have paid.

Your rights to cancel and receive a refund

You may cancel your Booking at any time. This clause explains when you are entitled to a refund and how that is calculated. We recommend that you obtain travel insurance.

If you need to cancel your Booking, please contact us as soon as possible in writing using the email address you provided when you made your Booking.

The amount we agree to refund you is dependent on how close your cancellation is to your arrival date. This is because we are less likely to recover the cost of your Booking by re-selling the Accommodation. The amount of any refund due therefore decreases as your arrival date approaches:

a) Notice of cancellation received 45 days or more before arrival date: refund in full.

b) Notice of cancellation received less than 45 days before your arrival date: no refund (however we may be able to change your booking, see Changing your Booking below.)

If you decide to vacate the Accommodation before your date of departure for any reason other than as a result of us breaching our obligations under these Terms or our negligence, we are not liable to offer you a refund.

Once we have confirmed your Booking, you may cancel it at any time and receive a full refund of all the payments you have made to us by giving us notice if any of the following occur:

a) we break this contract in any material way and we do not correct or fix the situation within a reasonable period; or

b) we change these Terms to your material disadvantage.

Changing your Booking

You may make a change to your Booking by contacting us prior to the start of your stay subject to availability. If you wish to change your Booking the following will apply:

a) Requests to make changes to your Booking will only be accepted if your request is made 45 days or more prior to your arrival date and will be subject to availability.

b) Your amended Booking must commence within 12 months of the date of your original Booking.

c) We will only accept instructions to amend the Booking by the person who made the Booking using the email address provided in the original Booking.

d) We will refund the difference in price if your amended Booking is one for which we ordinarily charge a lower price at the date we receive notice from you that you wish to change. In that case we will explain why we are not able to provide you with a refund of the difference in the price.

e) You will also have to pay us the difference in price if the altered Booking is one for which we ordinarily charge an additional amount at the date we receive notice from you that you wish to change.

Our rights to cancel and refunds

We may have to cancel the Booking due to the unavailability of key personnel or key facilities without which we cannot provide the Accommodation, including in circumstances of an Event Outside Our Control. If this happens:

a) we will promptly contact you to let you know

b) we may cancel the Booking and refund your payments

We may cancel the contract for Accommodation at any time with immediate effect if:

a) you do not pay us when you are supposed to, or

b) you are in breach of these Terms in any other material way and where the breach is capable of remedy by you, you do not remedy the situation within a reasonable period after we ask you to.

If you do not arrive, or you have not notified us of a later arrival, before 12 pm on the day following the date on which your Booking commences we will cancel the Booking and you will not be entitled to a refund.

Providing Accommodation

We will supply the Accommodation to you from the date set out in the Booking Confirmation, for the named individuals stated on the Booking Confirmation with the additional services set out  in the Booking Confirmation.

We reserve the right to change your allocated Accommodation before the arrival date and to alter prices as a result of any changes that the Government may require us to make by statute. You will be given reasonable notice in the event of any such changes.

We will endeavour to supply specific Accommodation on request but this cannot be guaranteed and we may supply different Accommodation of an equivalent or higher standard.

We will make every effort to provide the Accommodation. However, we may be unable to do so due to an Event Outside Our Control.

In the event of an Event Outside Our Control or in the event of a serious breakdown of services, other emergencies or withdrawal from service of your Accommodation, we reserve the right to offer you the opportunity to change the dates booked or cancel the booking and receive a refund, please see clause Our rights to cancel and refunds you will receive for more information.

We will not be liable for compensation, or responsible for any failure to perform any of our obligations under these Terms caused by an Event Outside Our Control.

We may need certain information from you in order to provide the Accommodation, including but not limited to the following:

a) the number of people for whom the Booking is made, their names and age if they are under 18

b) whether you wish to bring any pets

c) any special requirements, such as a need for easy access to Accommodation.

If you do not, after being asked by us, provide us with this information, or if you provide us with incomplete or incorrect information, we may make an additional charge of a reasonable sum to  cover changes to Accommodation, any extra items or alternatively we may cancel the Booking. If you do not pay any additional charge, we require as a result of your request to make changes to the Booking, we may cancel the Booking.

Your liability for damage

Please look after the Accommodation and the Cottage facilities. Please report any accidental damage immediately via email so that we can arrange a repair or replacement.

We inspect the Accommodation between your departure and the arrival of the next guest. You may be charged for loss or damage caused by you.

Checking in and checking out

Your Accommodation will not be available until 4 pm on the date of arrival.

Check out is by 10 am on the date of departure. Due to Covid we ask our guests to strip the beds of their linen and place in bin liners in the Laundry Room. Please confirm in writing should you be leaving earlier than your date of departure. Upon leaving the property, please leave the keys in the front door.

If there is a problem with the Accommodation

In the unlikely event that there is any problem with the Accommodation or the Cottage:

a) please tell us as soon as reasonably possible

b) please give us a reasonable opportunity to put it right

c) we will use every effort to repair or fix any defect as soon as reasonably practicable.

If any problem with the Accommodation or the cottage which is our fault we are obliged to cancel your Booking and will refund payments made for the Accommodation.

As a consumer, you have legal rights in relation to this agreement. Advice about those rights is available from Citizens’ Advice Bureau or Trading Standards. Nothing in these Terms will affect these legal rights.

Our liability to you

If we fail to comply with these Terms or are negligent, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer as a foreseeable result of our breach or our negligence but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of our breach or if it was contemplated by you and us at the time we entered into this contract.

Unless we agree otherwise in writing, we only supply the Accommodation for private use. You agree not to use the Accommodation for any commercial purpose and we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability for:

a) death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors

b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

We endeavour to provide a secure environment and we take appropriate security measures. If an incident occurs on our premises during your stay resulting in theft, loss or damage of your property we will investigate.

Behaviour standards

By making a Booking with us you have entered an agreement in which you undertake on behalf of yourself and the members of your Booking (including children), to adopt the following standards of behaviour:

a) act in a courteous and considerate manner towards us, our staff and other guests;

b) supervise children properly so that they are not a nuisance or danger to themselves or others

You must not:

a) smoke anywhere inside any of our properties including rooms, except in the courtyard or outside space

b) commit any criminal offence at our retreats or undertake any criminal activity;

c) commit any acts of vandalism or nuisance;

d) keep or carry any firearm or any other weapon:

e) use any unlawful drugs;

f) create any undue noise or disturbance;

g) carry on any trade or business; or

h) use our wifi for unlawful purposes.

You should respect the privacy of neighbours and keep noise to a minimum between the hours of 11:00 pm and 8:00 am.

We are entitled to eject anyone from Norfolk Retreats who acts in a manner likely to cause significant upset or significantly annoy neighbours of our properties who we reasonably believe is guilty of a criminal offence.

Car parking

Parking outside the Cottage is provided for up to 4 cars. In the absence of any negligence or other breach of duty by us, we are not responsible for any theft, damage, destruction or loss of your property or belongings while using the parking area.


If you wish to bring your dog with you please read and sign our Dog Policy and let us know before you make your Booking. We may be unable to accommodate your dog if you do not. Well behaved and house-trained dogs are welcome at The Cowshed (up to two dogs) and Burlington by-the-Sea (one dog only) and are strictly not allowed on any furniture within the property. With a maximum of two dogs, dogs are charged at £30 per dog per week. Dogs are not permitted at Links Lookout.

Babies and children

Babies under 3 years old (sleeping in a cot) can stay at the properties as a fifth guest for a fee of £65.

For the purpose of these terms we deem children to be persons between 3-12 years.

Information about us and how to contact us

Our registered office address is, The Cowshed at Grange Farm, Pettywell, Reepham, Norfolk. NR10 4RN.

If you have any questions please contact us by telephoning Sarah on 07894227822 or by emailing us at

How we use your personal information

We will only use your personal information as set out in our Privacy Policy.